Mega Man Battle Network 3 Confirmed for Wii U
Added: 28.04.2014 19:59 | 18 views | 0 comments
Capcom is also planning to bring more Game Boy Advance titles to the Wii U Virtual Console.
| Aussie Ratings Board Outs Mega Man GBA Games for Wii U
Added: 25.04.2014 21:47 | 9 views | 0 comments
MegaMan.EXE may appear in more than just Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on Nintendo's home console.
| Mega Man Battle Network 3 re-release rated in Australia
Added: 25.04.2014 15:51 | 2 views | 0 comments
Capcom's cult GBA game may be headed to Wii U Virtual Console. Mega Man Battle Network 3 could be headed to Wii U soon, if Australian ratings board listings are accurate.
| Mega Man Battle Network 3 Headed to the Wii U Virtual Console
Added: 25.04.2014 14:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

So says the Australian ratings board
| Masahiro Sakurai's Latest Super Smash Bros. Screen is for All You Mega Man Fans
Added: 25.04.2014 12:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

"The Mega Man legends, united"
| Masahiro Sakurai's Latest Super Smash Bros. Screen is for All You Mega Man Fans
Added: 25.04.2014 12:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

"The Mega Man legends, united"
| GameEnthus Podcast ep180: Openly Linear or Dye Hard
Added: 24.04.2014 20:15 | 16 views | 0 comments
This week Ahmed and Khalil from Decoy Games(@DecoyGames) join Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Swimsanity, indie development, OctoDad, Kinect Sports Rivals, Assault Android Cactus, Broforce, Trials Fusion, Strike Suit Zero, TitanFall, Ducktales, Assassins Creed Black Flag, Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania Circle of the Moon, Wolf of Wall Street, Boondocks, Sleeping Dogs, The Last of Us, Moebius Empire Rising, Mega Man Soccer, TMNT(old and new), Rubin Hurricance Carter(R.I.P.), Palcohol, Vita, Virtuosity, The Raid, Retron 5, NBA 2K14, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes and more. - See more at:
Tags: Wake, Gear, Creed, Black, Metal, Metal Gear, Solid, Castlevania, Sure, Last, Android, Sports, Mega, The Last, Mega Man, Wolf, Kingdom, Gear Solid, Podcast, Trials, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, Ground, Zeroes, Ground Zeroes, Strike, Kinect, Assault, Decay
| SNES, GBA Remix Contingent Upon Consumer Demand
Added: 23.04.2014 1:00 | 1 views | 0 comments
Ever since Nintendo first announced NES Remix, fans have been speculating as to whether or not the company will ever give similar treatment to its third-party catalog and titles from its other classic platforms.
NES Remix 2 launches later this week, and in preparation for its digital the launch, the game's director, Koichi Hayashida, took the time to chat with IGN about the series, hinting at whether or not we'll ever see third-party franchises like Mega Man or Contra get remixed. "Well personally I'm a fan of those games, and I like them a lot," he told the outlet. "If there's a big enough outpouring of support for these titles, it's something I'd like to take a look at."
| Breaking Bits Episode 11: Just Add Mega Man |
Added: 22.04.2014 3:14 | 6 views | 0 comments
This week, Breaking Bits answers one of the great questions of our time, coins or rings? Also, someone is making another Shaq-Fu, Justin Bailey wants to have uniform indie game pricing, and the guys dream of their ultimate NES Remixes.
| Gucamelee! dev's upcoming Severed will be a bit Mega Man and a bit Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Added: 21.04.2014 21:38 | 4 views | 0 comments
Outside of that weird lunar eclipse, one of the most unexpected things from this past month was the announcement of Severed by Gucamelee! dev DrinkBox Studios.
finity Blade in its feel than the platformers for which DrinkBox is known, the core gameplay of Severed revolves around tearing bits off of enemies and sticking them to yourself to gain power-ups.
"It's kind of like a Mega Man-...
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